Joy in the Journey
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 Choose Joy!

We have choices, depending on the circumstances I'm not always so quick to jump right to joy, or finding joy in the situation or circumstance, but by His grace I eventually get there. Thank you Jesus and may you give me the grace to bless you in all things!!

Joy in the Journey
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 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another"  John 13:35

I love the Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis. So much wisdom and no matter how many times I have read it, and my books are worn, there is always a new take away and another perspective and insight.

This morning I took the time to dig into the scriptures that were referenced to share them as part of the reading. I hope that you too are blessed by His word.

Joy in the Journey
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I love a quiet and relaxing start to my day and time with Jesus in the morning.  

This morning I was up early, praying, reading and journaling and I was drawn to a prayer book that used to be a constant, but that I don't pray with as often as I used to. And in particular, a prayer that was one of Mother Teresa's favorites that was written by Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman called "Radiating Christ".  

Joy in the Journey
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A little break from making St. Joseph's bread for a reflection on keeping my focus on Jesus.

Joy in the Journey
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Today's resounding message in my morning readings and reflections is to let go of control and to trust and surrender all to the ONE who created me and as scripture says .  

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."   Jeremiah 29:11-12  

Can you relate?

Trust and Surrender 

Joy in the Journey
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Joy in the Journey
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Aside from the Bible my all time favorite is the Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis and my favorite version of this book that has been reprinted in various versions is the Penguin Classic. I’ve had my copy for well over 20 years and it is highlighted and tabbed and falling apart but it is and always will be my go to!!During Lent I was so excited to pray with the Hallow App and the reason I was so excited was that they were doing reflections on the Imitation of Christ, and it was a blessed Lenten Season with Hallow and that blessing continues for both me and my beloved today as it has become a part of our daily routine. Which I have to say is anything but routine but joyously consistent.Back at the beginning of Lent I ordered a revised translation from Pauline Books, it took a few months but I received the book recently and have been loving it. I enjoy very similar translations to my penguin classic and I am blessed by the reflections and prayers at the end of each section.And I have been sharing a few of them on my blog, this mornings reflection and prayer was no different. This is the prayer following the reading from The Imitation of Christ, chapter 16, Bear the defects of others.“Imprint on my heart, Lord, your admonition to carry the burden of others with patience and understanding. May I fulfill it lovingly for your glory and my salvation. Amen”Short, sweet and a powerful reminder for me for sure!! And always my prayer for you and me, today and every day is that all circumstance that are encountered in the course of the day are an opportunity for deeper knowledge of self, understanding and personal development and an opportunity to draw closer in relationship with Jesus Christ and in the process may we all find Joy in the Journey !

Joy in the Journey
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Today the reading I turned to was Usefulness in Adversity. For me it reminds me to draw closer to God, to seek His wisdom and guidance and to always remember that it is He who sees my heart.

Joy in the Journey
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Todays reading is on Humble Submission.  Humility seems to be a theme for me this week.....or maybe this year !!

Joy in the Journey
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I love starting my day with a random reading from the Imitation of Christ!  Somehow it always seems to be just what I need to hear for that day.  This morning was no different, the reading was on avoiding rash judgement.  


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